
This is a Pro Mia site. This site was not intended to "teach" anyone how to use Bulimic or Anorexic tendencies to lose weight. This site may contain information, tips, or other items that if used could be dangerous to your health. Bulimia is a mental illness and should be recognized as such.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Letter to the Editor

In response to an article in the Elk Grove Citizen- in which they mentioned Skinny's blog directly:

Elk Grove Citizen,
While your article entitled "Starving Together" certainly addresses a very serious disease and some of the issues that go along with it, you've missed some very important points. Pro Anorexia / Pro Bulimia sites are in no way the same as Pro Ana / Pro Mia sites. Pro Ana and/or Pro Mia sites recognize that eating disorders are mental illnesses, while Pro Anorexia / Pro Bulimia sites refer to it as a "lifestyle choice". On a Pro Ana or Pro Mia site, you will not find "tips" or "tricks" relating to having an eating disorder, nor will you find out how to "get" an eating disorder. It's impossible to "catch" or "start" a mental illness. On Pro Ana or Pro Mia sites, forums, and chats, those members who are found to be under the age of 14 or found to not already have eating disorders are banned immediately. Those sites, instead, are meant as a support group for those who are already dealing with this difficult illness. In the same way that drug addicts and alcoholics have mental illnesses- a person with an eating disorder cannot enter into recovery without wanting to. However, on a Pro Ana or Pro Mia site, if a member decides to go into recovery, they are supported and encouraged. This is not the case on Pro Anorexia or Pro Bulimia sites. On those sites, forums, or chats, members who decide to go into recovery are often belittled and told that they are "weak". Anyone with an illness or problem should have somewhere they can go to talk about it. People with eating disorders are often ashamed and embarrassed for others to know, so Pro Ana or Pro Mia sites are the "safe havens" for them. Any member, manager, or director of a Pro Ana or Pro Mia site will agree with your article as it pertains to Pro Anorexia or Pro Bulimia sites - however, I think anyone will agree that everyone should have a place (even if it is on the internet) to go where they feel safe.


  1. BEAUTIFUL! My question is: What reputable newspaper asks banned members of a Pro Ana Site that are 13 and 14 years old without parental consent? No a reputable or well known newspaper. They never even asked for my side of the story either. It's Fox News in disguise lol!
