
This is a Pro Mia site. This site was not intended to "teach" anyone how to use Bulimic or Anorexic tendencies to lose weight. This site may contain information, tips, or other items that if used could be dangerous to your health. Bulimia is a mental illness and should be recognized as such.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2 UPs 2 DOWNs

Not that long ago I entered the world of iTunes. For some reason on my old computer I couldn't get the iTunes store to work- so I was never able to subscribe to podcasts. Well, when my hubby got me a new iPod for Christmas (my old one got zapped in the pool when i didn't close my swim case correctly) I was finally able to check out the world of podcasts. I'm studying to be a midwife, so one of the ones I subscribed to is called PregTastic- it's all pregnant women talking about their experiences plus they have guest speakers to talk about random stuff. Well, every podcast, it starts off with all the pregnant women giving 2 ups and 2 downs for their week. Here are mine....(and no, I'm not pregnant..yet)
2 UPs: I was down 2 lbs this morning! Woohoo! I'm pretty sure that that's an up in anyone's book. Second one is that I got a lot of stuff done at work today- which is just that much less that I have to do tomorrow.
2 DOWNs: My back is killing me! It was hurting last night, but by the time I got to work this morning I could barely stand up or sit down without extreme pain. Now I'm on my bed, laying on my back, doing a whole lot of nothing. Boring. My last down? Ummm, can I trade it for an up? My back hurts so bad that I don't even feel like eating! (I guess it depends on who you ask if that's an up or down).

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