
This is a Pro Mia site. This site was not intended to "teach" anyone how to use Bulimic or Anorexic tendencies to lose weight. This site may contain information, tips, or other items that if used could be dangerous to your health. Bulimia is a mental illness and should be recognized as such.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

On my back again....

Long weekends are great. Time to relax, time to spend time with the ones you love, time to get the house clean. I'm happy to say that I got all of that done this weekend- I even got some stuff packed up to move. It was great- it was a great weekend all over. I finally joined the rest of modern society and saw Avatar- a movie I didn't think I'd like at all and ended up loving! Best of all, I'm pretty sure I lost weight this weekend!
I was able to keep my mia-related-stuff under wraps pretty easily this weekend, which was a real relief. I've been taking vitamins with a lot of iron in them- which will "stop you up" pretty well, so I've got a great excuse to take my laxatives without my husband asking questions. And...what happens when you take lax's? You have to go to the bathroom more- so there was no question as to why I kept going and going in there.
Another great thing was that I was finally able to sit down and make my thinspo journal tonight. It's just a regular looking journal, so no reason for anyone to suspect anything. Even if there are times when I can't take it out and look at it, it makes me feel better knowing I have my goals written down somewhere- knowing that they are attainable.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful with the laxes they can eff you up. I guess I am the last person in America who still hasn't seen Avatar...no desire at all to watch it
