
This is a Pro Mia site. This site was not intended to "teach" anyone how to use Bulimic or Anorexic tendencies to lose weight. This site may contain information, tips, or other items that if used could be dangerous to your health. Bulimia is a mental illness and should be recognized as such.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Good Day/ Sick Day

Oh, my day- where to start? First it was bad- soooo cold outside (cold for here = 65 F) that I didn't want to get out of bed. Of course, I had no choice, so I got out and went to my scale. Then it was a good day- I'm down 2 more lbs!
Got to work- not bad. Normal for the most part- but then good. I got a very hush-hush job offer to move up the ranks- like 3 tiers up! They want me for the command level instead of department. That's like a jump from being manager to being a VP. Awesome!
So, encouraged by my two pounds I went to the gym, but could only do like half an hour before my sinus headache basically exploded. Now I'm home, sipping chicken broth and hating my nose. Argh.
I did good today though- I'm hoping for another 2 pounds tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. good for you! btw I hate you! 65degrees! boo
