Ugh, sorry it's been so long since I last blogged. As always, there's been a lot going on. I've been going to physical therapy for my back three times a week, I finally got more of the house unpacked and almost "presentable", and.... we got a new puppy! I'll have to put a pic up somewhere. She's our second boxer and we named her Megara - Meg for short- as in the wife of Hercules (our other boxer). She's adorable, but something's not quite right- as of this morning her little tummy is upset. She's been throwing up and having "bathroom problems", and now she's not eating. She hasn't been playing at all today and her already thin frame is now looking scarily thin. We went through a similar thing with Hercules, but it turned out to be because he ate something bad. Because of what we went through with Hercules, we've been super super careful about watching her to make sure she didn't get into anything bad.
Why am I going on and on about this? Because the truly sad thing is that when I look at her and see how sick she looks, I'm jealous. I wish my bones showed the way that hers do. The last two weeks have been tough for me - going out to dinner with parents when they were here, not to mention not being able to bend over to purge, I feel like I've gained tons of weight.
Tonight, I got a break. Right after we ate, I talked my husband into going to take the dog outside to go potty. As soon as he was out of the house, I ran to the bathroom. Now I just need to focus more, to keep my eye on my goal weight and to never give up.
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